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What is the EIT?
The mission of the Eco-Industrial Technocity (EIT) is to promote synergy between the centres dedicated to research and sustainable development (KNOWLEDGE hub) and the businesses and organizations that integrate eco-industrial and sustainable development practices in their operations (BUSINESS hub), with a view to optimizing business strategies.
The main objectives of the EIT are to:
- Encourage a growing number of businesses to integrate the principles of sustainable development in their operations, processes, products, services, maintenance, building management, transport, stores, project development and administration;
- Enhance its knowledge hub by inviting eco-industrial research and development firms to come and take advantage of the region’s strong innovative capacity;
- Demonstrate the Technocity’s expertise at the global level by hosting incoming missions, taking part in international conferences and making its services available to emerging countries.
As a catalyst for innovation, the EIT encourages all technical and scientific resources specializing in industrial ecology to work in close collaboration with economic stakeholders to provide:
- Scientific and technical expertise in the field of industrial ecology
- Flexible financing and personalized support
- Networking and business opportunity development
- Location (Eco-Industrial Park)
- Regulatory control (municipal and governmental)
- Labour
Eco-Industrial Technocity (EIT)
A turnkey service that combines:
- Speed
- Efficiency
- Profitability
« Industrial ecology consists of a loop of material and energy flows within an industrial system. Modeled on the principles of natural ecosystems, where nothing is lost, it is a well-thought-out system that businesses can put into effect to take a more active part in sustainable development through inter-business collaboration that results in the exchange of material and energy flows that would otherwise be disposed of as waste. Businesses can also implement the concept of eco-efficiency, making more efficient use of resources in their internal operations in order to reduce their environmental footprint. These eco-industrial synergies are revealed through a diagnostic assessment of the flows of inputs and outputs within the industrial park. »